- Chairman’s Financial Report – required by STXSA for all events. Completed by the event chair and submitted to the President and Treasurer.
- SAA Post-Event Information – required by the SAA for all chapter affiliate events. Completed by the event chair and submitted to the President.
- Income Receipt Form – to be given to the event chair, then event chair will submit to the treasurer, detailing income from an event or donations.
- Check Request Form– to be given to the event chair, then the event chair will submit to the treasurer, to reimburse for money spent for STXSA items by STXSA members or to request payment to companies or individuals for goods or services not covered by clinician contracts.
- Tax-exempt Form – to be given to a store or vendor to waive sales tax when purchasing items for use by STXSA.
- Contract for Clinicians – official contract to be used for securing clinicians for workshops and events.